Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Pretty Fly
It has invaded my home. It has come inside here with its six legs and its nasty black body and it is touching things. It landed on the curtain and the kitchen counter, but who knows where else it has been? I have tried to follow its movements since I first saw it, but my eyes have let me down on more than one occasion. Flies are dirty: I don't know how I am ever going to make everything clean again. I will have to use bleach. I will have to bleach everything to be certain that it is clean. My family are complaining that it's late and all the windows are open and all of the lights are on, but I am doing this for them. I have to keep them safe.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Should we consider the internet to be a second order structure overlaying the ordinary structure of society, culture, language and rules? We seem to follow a different set of rules; we create our own personality, image, ‘brand’. We take our ‘selves’ as a structure, locus or centre, the immovable point (although of course, in the context of ‘real life’ these things are the movable parts of top of a different structure) and we create a whole world around ourselves. Social networking sites let us list our interests, activities, what we like and dislike, and quotes which inspire us, all which build up movable layers around the immovable centre which is our real ‘self’ in order to create a personality, or an idea of who we are, in the eyes of other people. Is this just a metaphor for what we do in the real world? Our interests, friends, social class, likes, dislikes and the things we say all layer around our ‘self’ in order to create the personality. What, then, is the centre of the person? In the metaphor of the internet, the person is the core of the internet presence which they create, and this ‘person’, taken as a whole, has movable qualities of its own once taken within the different framework of the person itself. Is there a lower order framework in which the qualities of the core of the ‘person’ are movable around an even lower order centre? Structure of language is ultimately circular, in that language is such that within the system, nothing can be explained without referring to another point within that system. Moving backwards into indefinitely more simple systems would only lead us to be calling the same thing increasingly simplified things, but it would still lead back to language within the system. We can’t accurately portray what the person is outside of the system. So the centre of every personhood (the internet ‘person’ which we create, the ‘person’ who we are, maybe could take internet ‘person’ idea out into the idea of a brand for a company) has a central structure of personhood. This leads to the idea that there is no structure, or the entire thing is structure, or the different types of structure which we create are just useful tools to help us to explain the other types of structure, even if this ultimately makes no sense (see Derrida, Levi-Strauss). So… the internet is our self as much as the person who we are is our self? I don’t even know if that is what follows from all of this? Fuck.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Dirty dirty you
Life is a punishing struggle. People born sinful, crawling away from the filth inside their own skins.Thick invisible barrier preventing you from succeeding. Low ceiling is over your head, pushing you down into the dirt around your own feet.
The world teasing you with "almost". Reach for things within your grasp, touch them for a second, not everyone gets even this much.
Look at what you can't have.
Petulant child, screaming "but the others have it, why can't I?"; scream and shout or lie down in the muck and avoid looking up. "Use your induction; you've banged on the door enough times to know that nobody lives there."
Look at what you can't have.
Petulant child, screaming "but the others have it, why can't I?"; scream and shout or lie down in the muck and avoid looking up. "Use your induction; you've banged on the door enough times to know that nobody lives there."
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
The same things just happen to me (with me?) over and over again. Life is circular. Not quite circular, it's the seasons of a tree; growth, maturity, death and growth again, all whilst moving upwards and outwards. Like a map of human history, progress, revolution and death, and slightly more progress. Slowly edging forward. I feel like I've lived the same scenarios a thousand times until I'm saying your words for you two seconds ahead and never listening. Trying to improve myself, or change things but at the heart it's just the same tree, the same species, the same life that I'm watching from up here, slightly up and to the left of where it's all happening.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Did my first day of volunteering at the BFI London Film Festival '10 today. Basically this involved me standing outside the doors handing out 'educational resources' for half an hour, watching the film, then standing outside collecting 'feedback forms' for 10 minutes. Pretty easy work, but I am doing it for free, so c'est comme ci comme ça.
The film was called Orion, directed by Zamani Esmati. It was an Iranian film about an unmarried student who loses her virginity and is arranging to have her hymen sewn back together. The film was shot on location without filming permits for fairly obvious reasons, but it had some very nice shots considering the difficult nature of filming.
I'd never seen an Iranian film before, and it made me realise that a lot of what I know about different cultures comes from watching foreign films. Although clearly what you see of another culture on screen is not necessarily anything like what you see in real life (We don't all live like Skins characters over here- I haven't had a sexy kissing party in weeks), there is obviously a lot about a culture which you can learn from a film. I've seen plenty of British, American, French, East Asian, German, Spanish, etc. cinema, and so despite only having been to very very few of the places I've seen on the screen; I have been able to see concentrated bursts of what creative people in those countries have to say about their lives.
It's a shame that in many countries around the world, the cinematic output is monitored by governments in the way that it is in Iran, and that this means that people don't ever get to see or experience how people live in other cultures, or hear about the issues which exist in every day life for people across the globe.
The film was called Orion, directed by Zamani Esmati. It was an Iranian film about an unmarried student who loses her virginity and is arranging to have her hymen sewn back together. The film was shot on location without filming permits for fairly obvious reasons, but it had some very nice shots considering the difficult nature of filming.
I'd never seen an Iranian film before, and it made me realise that a lot of what I know about different cultures comes from watching foreign films. Although clearly what you see of another culture on screen is not necessarily anything like what you see in real life (We don't all live like Skins characters over here- I haven't had a sexy kissing party in weeks), there is obviously a lot about a culture which you can learn from a film. I've seen plenty of British, American, French, East Asian, German, Spanish, etc. cinema, and so despite only having been to very very few of the places I've seen on the screen; I have been able to see concentrated bursts of what creative people in those countries have to say about their lives.
It's a shame that in many countries around the world, the cinematic output is monitored by governments in the way that it is in Iran, and that this means that people don't ever get to see or experience how people live in other cultures, or hear about the issues which exist in every day life for people across the globe.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Erotic Fiction: The first five minutes of Nigella
This isn't really erotic fiction, it's a blow by blow account of Nigella Kitchen: Episode 2, Hurry up, I'm Hungry.
Two giant pink fists decorate a door; out of which Nigella's lustful face bursts. She walks towards the camera, giving walls flirting glances, and doors lingering touches, before leaning back over a sink, pushing her breasts towards the ceiling and pouting longingly. Cut to Nigella looking directly towards the camera. She talks about gratification, something about food. Cut to a brown fluid spurting onto a pile of meat from off camera. Potatoes; cake; cleavage; pizza. Prawns. Nigella carries a tray, Nigella says the word "lager-ita" whilst opening her eyes wide, like a drunk baby deer. The words "Hurry up I'm Hungry" decorate the screen, presumably made using 'WordArt'. Nigella is opening her blinds. Why are we in her bedroom first thing in the morning? Stock footage of transport and busy Londoners. Cut to Nigella standing next to a bright pink, plastic, curvaceous, enormous whisk. She uses words like "pudding" and "smugness" as though she can't quite fit her lips around the vowels, and quickly pours cream into her pink whisk. She shoves almost half a piece of marmalade-heavy toast into her mouth and continues talking into the camera with her mouth full of butter; desperately trying to distract the viewer from the fact that all the while, she was unwrapping pre-packaged cake and arranging it on a plate. She pours Cointreau into a marmalade jar and shakes it; cruelly shaking side to side, knowing only too well what a up-and-down cocktail shaking motion could do to the British public. She pours the thick, lumpy fluid onto her cake-plate. "Oh look at these gorgeous golden globules." The golden globules shine knowingly in the sunlight; oozing from their jar and sitting on the pale golden flesh of the cake, like spunk. Nigella flicks her shiny hair, Nigellas hand wraps around an orange, and she grates it painfully. "I want bold bright strips, not sad little tangly weeds." She looks into the camera, and some poor gentleman somewhere turns the television off sadly; a far off look of regret decorating his features. Now the juice. She squeezes the orange, letting go in a way that she never did with the jar, she pumps at those orange halves with an insouciant grace, but it's over quickly. Next, the cream: She doesn't like the cream whipped too stiffly, she tells us, a twinkle in her eye; before scooping the piles of sloppy, thick, wet udder juice on top of the mess she's made on her plate. The "desert" looks out of place on a plate; it would be more at home on a freshly bathed stomach. She punctuates this ridiculous confection with soft fruit; "bouncy and proud", juice, "seeping into the cream". She takes the pile of pleasure, locks it away in a cupboard, applies lipgloss to her suspiciously ample lips and leaves.
Two giant pink fists decorate a door; out of which Nigella's lustful face bursts. She walks towards the camera, giving walls flirting glances, and doors lingering touches, before leaning back over a sink, pushing her breasts towards the ceiling and pouting longingly. Cut to Nigella looking directly towards the camera. She talks about gratification, something about food. Cut to a brown fluid spurting onto a pile of meat from off camera. Potatoes; cake; cleavage; pizza. Prawns. Nigella carries a tray, Nigella says the word "lager-ita" whilst opening her eyes wide, like a drunk baby deer. The words "Hurry up I'm Hungry" decorate the screen, presumably made using 'WordArt'. Nigella is opening her blinds. Why are we in her bedroom first thing in the morning? Stock footage of transport and busy Londoners. Cut to Nigella standing next to a bright pink, plastic, curvaceous, enormous whisk. She uses words like "pudding" and "smugness" as though she can't quite fit her lips around the vowels, and quickly pours cream into her pink whisk. She shoves almost half a piece of marmalade-heavy toast into her mouth and continues talking into the camera with her mouth full of butter; desperately trying to distract the viewer from the fact that all the while, she was unwrapping pre-packaged cake and arranging it on a plate. She pours Cointreau into a marmalade jar and shakes it; cruelly shaking side to side, knowing only too well what a up-and-down cocktail shaking motion could do to the British public. She pours the thick, lumpy fluid onto her cake-plate. "Oh look at these gorgeous golden globules." The golden globules shine knowingly in the sunlight; oozing from their jar and sitting on the pale golden flesh of the cake, like spunk. Nigella flicks her shiny hair, Nigellas hand wraps around an orange, and she grates it painfully. "I want bold bright strips, not sad little tangly weeds." She looks into the camera, and some poor gentleman somewhere turns the television off sadly; a far off look of regret decorating his features. Now the juice. She squeezes the orange, letting go in a way that she never did with the jar, she pumps at those orange halves with an insouciant grace, but it's over quickly. Next, the cream: She doesn't like the cream whipped too stiffly, she tells us, a twinkle in her eye; before scooping the piles of sloppy, thick, wet udder juice on top of the mess she's made on her plate. The "desert" looks out of place on a plate; it would be more at home on a freshly bathed stomach. She punctuates this ridiculous confection with soft fruit; "bouncy and proud", juice, "seeping into the cream". She takes the pile of pleasure, locks it away in a cupboard, applies lipgloss to her suspiciously ample lips and leaves.
National Poetry Day
People on the internet keep saying it's national poetry day. I haven't researched this claim or done anything to find out about what national poetry day is about or supposed to mean or represent; instead, I am going to post on my blog the poem which was my favourite as a child. As you will soon see, this was my favourite poem because it is clearly about me and I appear to be dead in it. As you can probably imagine, both of these things filled me with a kind of lusty glee. Here is the poem:
Imogen- Walter De La Mare
Even she too dead! all languor on her brow,
All mute humanity's last simpleness,--
And yet the roses in her cheeks unfallen!
Can death haunt silence with a silver sound?
Can death, that hushes all music to a close,
Pluck one sweet wire scarce-audible that trembles,
As if a little child, called Purity,
Sang heedlessly on of his dear Imogen?
Surely if some young flowers of Spring were put
Into the tender hollow of her heart,
'Twould faintly answer, trembling in their petals.
Poise but a wild bird's feather, it will stir
On lips that even in silence wear the badge
Only of truth. Let but a cricket wake,
And sing of home, and bid her lids unseal
The unspeakable hospitality of her eyes.
O childless soul--call once her husband's name!
And even if indeed from these green hills
Of England, far, her spirit flits forlorn,
Back to its youthful mansion it will turn,
Back to the floods of sorrow these sweet locks
Yet heavy bear in drops; and Night shall see
Unwearying as her stars still Imogen,
Pausing 'twixt death and life on one hushed word.
Imogen- Walter De La Mare
Even she too dead! all languor on her brow,
All mute humanity's last simpleness,--
And yet the roses in her cheeks unfallen!
Can death haunt silence with a silver sound?
Can death, that hushes all music to a close,
Pluck one sweet wire scarce-audible that trembles,
As if a little child, called Purity,
Sang heedlessly on of his dear Imogen?
Surely if some young flowers of Spring were put
Into the tender hollow of her heart,
'Twould faintly answer, trembling in their petals.
Poise but a wild bird's feather, it will stir
On lips that even in silence wear the badge
Only of truth. Let but a cricket wake,
And sing of home, and bid her lids unseal
The unspeakable hospitality of her eyes.
O childless soul--call once her husband's name!
And even if indeed from these green hills
Of England, far, her spirit flits forlorn,
Back to its youthful mansion it will turn,
Back to the floods of sorrow these sweet locks
Yet heavy bear in drops; and Night shall see
Unwearying as her stars still Imogen,
Pausing 'twixt death and life on one hushed word.
![]() |
Hey Tim, remember when we "took drugs?" |
Friday, 24 September 2010
Example of how I am spending my evening.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
There are rat traps in my local park. I wonder where the pigeon traps are, or the squirrel traps. Where are the fucking duck traps?
I realised yesterday that I can't write. I have absolutely nothing of interest to say and no skill whatsoever in putting words together in delightful and clever ways. I've no idea how I am going to convey information to people from now on, but I absolutely must desist in writing. May try morse code.
Here is a list of things I love about my job as an admin assistant in a letting agency:
Being left alone most of the time
Knowing where all of the files are
Monotonous, repetitive tasks
Deciding what to have for lunch
Organising things
Writing lists
"business dress"
The 'To Let' sign above the toilet
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Graduated in July. The ceremony was absolutely awesome in the sense that I turned up late and graduated after all of the postgrads with a special mention. There's nothing I love more than drawing attention to myself, so I was rather pleased with the way this had turned out, despite the fact that what I was drawing attention to was the fact that I wasted thousands of pounds on a basically worthless degree. After graduating, I moved from Nottingham back to Norfolk to stay with my parents for a month. I worked in Co-op five days a week, I slept on a mattress on my 14 year old sister's floor, missed my friends a lot and I applied for jobs in London. Managed eventually to get a job as a 'customer support trainee' with a company which sells solar panels. Moved to Ilford in North-East London (OK, it's Essex) a week later. On my first day of work, I arrived, knocked on the front door of the office for half an hour before eventually someone happened to be passing by the locked door on his way to the toilet. He told me that the office wasn't open that day and that my first day would actually be tomorrow (I had written proof that I'd been asked to come in on this day, but whatever). Walked home, found a fiver on the floor, ended up going to Notting Hill Carnival (an entirely panicky affair) then got on a bus to meet my old Nottingham friends and attended a sexy kissing party (some of the events in this story may or may not be fabricated). When I started my new job, it soon became apparent that I would be selling solar panels door to door. I was, apparently, self employed and therefore there was no requirement that I be paid minimum wage. I worked at least 8 hours a day, often more, and ended up being paid the equivalent of £20 a day. For those not mathematically inclined, that works out at a maximum of £2.50 an hour. I actually happened to be very good at the job. The houses which I had to knock at were sickeningly beautiful. I was met with the most desperately pitying looks as the upper-middle class peeked out of the elaborately carved doors of their houses; my pleading little eyes desperately peeking out at them from under the messy little self-cut fringe. While at work one day, my supervisor- a 17 year old glamorous little Pakistani girl- was making us all sit outside a pub for two hours so that she could smoke and giggle and make it difficult to reach my sales targets, when she mentioned that she'd recently gone into an estate agents in Ilford and one of the men there had said they had an admin position going which she could have. The man had taken her number, then texted her to say that she was much too beautiful and distracting to work in the office but he would rather like to cook her some Thai food. This delightful gentleman aside, the next day on my way to work I diligently checked the windows of every estate agent which I passed, walked into one and walked out with a new job. I had a trial the next day, explained to the boss of the solar panel company that I would be forced to leave, politely declined his offer to be promoted to telesales staff and began my new life as an admin assistant. So now I live in Ilford, with the family of a friend from university in their spare room (for delightfully cheap rent) and work for four hours a day in a letting agency, making contracts and compiling files and lists and things. Whilst all this has been going on I seem to have changed from being a person with a "friendship group" to being a person who isn't really anyone's plan A. Time to make some friends, then, and really start this whole new chapter of my life etc.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
To Do List
Get home from work, work out, amount to something, think more, mourn less, leave this place, placate myself, find something I actually want, want something I can have, have something which is right, write a masterpiece, piece things together, get used to forever, never stop learning, learn to play the paino, learn to spell, Read a book, write a book, Write a masterpiece, Write a blog post, write in your diary, write a suicide note, write a tweet, go birdwatching, watch a film, make a film, Make a sandwich, drink a beer, witer a mastre[eice. Go to sleep.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
My Desk
Useful things which I keep on my desk:
2 in 1 Washing liquid and fabric conditioner
External Hard Drive
(almost) empty Bottle of some man's perfume
Empty 2l Ashbeck natural mineral water bottle with no lid
Computer screen
Remote control for TV
GOOD LUCK card from a friend's family
Everyone you love is going to die
79p HAPPY BIRTHDAY card from a friend
Hand painted Birthday card from different friend
Empty Evian water bottle (I am a bad person)
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Working in the supermarket
I arrived. The place looks clean from a distance, but the closer you are, the more the layers of filth reveal themselves to you. Within an hour, my hands are the greybrown of the thin wrinkled flesh of those oldhands I tentatively drop coins and paper into. Everyone here is dying, if you rubbed that skin it would flake away like mothwings. I talk to a man for two hours; the blood supply to his brain is compromised and he's probably dying. I'm on my knees, sorting mars bars into neat rows ruined quickly by fat parents placating their fat children; so I put more on the pile. I'm made of papercuts and my knees are dirty and my nails are broken.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Listing things to do with my time
Got a whole month of living at my parents house. Obviously I could spend this time catching up with all of my delightful friends from my childhood, but unfortunately there was a messy breakup, and I got the PS2 and he got the friends. So! Things I will spend my time doing:
Working in Co-op
Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. I usually get through this by just pretending I'm somewhere else, and letting it happen to me. This actually generally results in me being perceived as a model employee; polite, efficient, not overly chatty but pleasant and quick.
Scanning family photos onto the computer
+uploading to facebook. Going to be awesome. My dad kind of just told me that I have to do this, and I'm scared he'll charge me rent if I don't, but I am looking forward to doing it. Real pictures! Babies!
Learning German
Using the Michel Thomas method. I've done two lessons a day so far, which amounts to about 15 minutes a day, but already I feel like a wealth of German knowledge. The plan is that next time I visit Georgina in Germany, I will be able to speak German well enough to at least communicate with the baby.
Learning to play the piano
Well, I haven't even managed to find the lead to plug in the keyboard yet, but give me time! I'm only one, very lazy, woman.
Writing a book
Gonna write a book. 3000 words a week for 30 weeks and there we'll have a book. It won't be a very good book, but you need to get all of the bad words out of your system before you can start writing good ones.
Losing vast quantities of weight
But seriously, my health can't have enjoyed the ridiculous amount of pizza which I destroyed with my mouth over the past year. Time to rectify the shit out of that.
Finding a job
Working in Co-op
Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. I usually get through this by just pretending I'm somewhere else, and letting it happen to me. This actually generally results in me being perceived as a model employee; polite, efficient, not overly chatty but pleasant and quick.
Scanning family photos onto the computer
+uploading to facebook. Going to be awesome. My dad kind of just told me that I have to do this, and I'm scared he'll charge me rent if I don't, but I am looking forward to doing it. Real pictures! Babies!
Learning German
Using the Michel Thomas method. I've done two lessons a day so far, which amounts to about 15 minutes a day, but already I feel like a wealth of German knowledge. The plan is that next time I visit Georgina in Germany, I will be able to speak German well enough to at least communicate with the baby.
Learning to play the piano
Well, I haven't even managed to find the lead to plug in the keyboard yet, but give me time! I'm only one, very lazy, woman.
Writing a book
Gonna write a book. 3000 words a week for 30 weeks and there we'll have a book. It won't be a very good book, but you need to get all of the bad words out of your system before you can start writing good ones.
Losing vast quantities of weight
But seriously, my health can't have enjoyed the ridiculous amount of pizza which I destroyed with my mouth over the past year. Time to rectify the shit out of that.
Finding a job
Monday, 26 July 2010
Starting planning a book. All good planning starts with the numbers. Been counting pages in books and decided that a good place to start with the numbers would be
15 chapters of 6500 words each or 30 chapters of 3000/3500 each
Overall book, approx. 100,000 words, although will be less if I stick rigidly to the above.
I now have a title, chapter number and lengths, I guess the next stage will be planning the chapter titles.
This is how I write an essay, I can hardly say that it works for one medium of writing and not another.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Foxes are Evil and Kill Babies
There were some lovely foxes in my garden. They were being more playful before this, but one of them seemed to get bored and hid under the bench.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Today I transcribed an entire one of my 15 diaries into a 25-page-long OpenOffice document.
It's wonderful to have it written down, and was interesting to see what I had written.
There were things in there that I'd forgotten about which it's been nice to remember and some bizarre stories. There were entries which were part story, half real and 70% lie and some things which I didn't want to transcribe, partly in case anyone ever read them, but mainly because I didn't really want to remember those things in the future, considering how little I enjoyed remembering them now.
I transcribed it all though, and I am never going to do it again.
I wish I'd done more before I decided this, because it's lovely having it all written out like that, but about half an hour after I'd finished I thought of something I wanted to write in my diary. I then thought, 'what's the point of writing it in my diary if I'm just going to transcribe my diaries then throw them away?' 'I might as well just write all of my thoughts into text documents in the first place!'.
What a sad state of affairs it would be if I stopped writing my thoughts onto paper! I find it so difficult to think in order if I don't write things down. So no more putting diaries onto the computer, I'll just have to find the space for the paper diaries, and find ways of making sure people never find them.
It's wonderful to have it written down, and was interesting to see what I had written.
There were things in there that I'd forgotten about which it's been nice to remember and some bizarre stories. There were entries which were part story, half real and 70% lie and some things which I didn't want to transcribe, partly in case anyone ever read them, but mainly because I didn't really want to remember those things in the future, considering how little I enjoyed remembering them now.
I transcribed it all though, and I am never going to do it again.
I wish I'd done more before I decided this, because it's lovely having it all written out like that, but about half an hour after I'd finished I thought of something I wanted to write in my diary. I then thought, 'what's the point of writing it in my diary if I'm just going to transcribe my diaries then throw them away?' 'I might as well just write all of my thoughts into text documents in the first place!'.
What a sad state of affairs it would be if I stopped writing my thoughts onto paper! I find it so difficult to think in order if I don't write things down. So no more putting diaries onto the computer, I'll just have to find the space for the paper diaries, and find ways of making sure people never find them.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Material Being of Human Being.
Why must the human being place such importance on material objects? Why do we want things which we don't need?
To answer we must look at the fundamental nature of being human. As Sartre said, "being is the annihilation of past being". Existing as a person means that what is is constantly moving into the past, or non-existence. This means that being human entails that every part of your life which is concrete and definite does not actually exist at all- assuming a non-eternalist framework of time, which I think we can in this purely phenomenological question. The future is unsure, the past is annihilated and the present is an untrappable point. If this is the human situation, it's only rational that we feel a constant need to justify ourselves and to prove to ourselves that our identities persist over time.
Material objects exist in themselves. They persist over time, and do not change unless they are changed. If a person attaches material objects to themselves (figuratively); they have created a part of themselves which exists over time, meaning that this person can also feel as though they persist and are whole and solid. If I have a blanket from when I was a child, this proof of my childhood could justify to myself that I exist in the world in the same way. This can account for why we keep useless trinkets from our lives, so much more solid than the memories they represent, and why we are attracted to the expensive gold and platinum, which never change.
It's also interesting to wonder if this might be in a small way a reason for why we want our faces and bodies to never change. Obviously sexual selection is hugely responsible for this, but it's interesting to think that in some way we feel distress when we see that we have changed because we are losing part of what anchors us into the world. If our minds and our bodies are in constant flux, how can we feel real?
Also see: religion, cultural identity, tradition
To answer we must look at the fundamental nature of being human. As Sartre said, "being is the annihilation of past being". Existing as a person means that what is is constantly moving into the past, or non-existence. This means that being human entails that every part of your life which is concrete and definite does not actually exist at all- assuming a non-eternalist framework of time, which I think we can in this purely phenomenological question. The future is unsure, the past is annihilated and the present is an untrappable point. If this is the human situation, it's only rational that we feel a constant need to justify ourselves and to prove to ourselves that our identities persist over time.
Material objects exist in themselves. They persist over time, and do not change unless they are changed. If a person attaches material objects to themselves (figuratively); they have created a part of themselves which exists over time, meaning that this person can also feel as though they persist and are whole and solid. If I have a blanket from when I was a child, this proof of my childhood could justify to myself that I exist in the world in the same way. This can account for why we keep useless trinkets from our lives, so much more solid than the memories they represent, and why we are attracted to the expensive gold and platinum, which never change.
It's also interesting to wonder if this might be in a small way a reason for why we want our faces and bodies to never change. Obviously sexual selection is hugely responsible for this, but it's interesting to think that in some way we feel distress when we see that we have changed because we are losing part of what anchors us into the world. If our minds and our bodies are in constant flux, how can we feel real?
Also see: religion, cultural identity, tradition
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
The worst thing I ever saw
I can't think of anything to say any more.
Here's a picture of some shit that you might find on the internet:
Here's a picture of some shit that you might find on the internet:
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Make a cup of tea.
Make a cup of soup.
The soup is too thick, pour some of the tea into the soup to thin it down.
Brace yourself... the soup tastes fine, feel proud of achievement.
Check facebook.
Check twitter.
Check facebook again.
Need music to write essay to.
Download discography of Mercury Rev.
Check facebook and twitter again.
Joey Comeau has posted a new asofterworld comic, better read it.
Read old asofterworld comics.
Better check all your other comics, now you're checking comics.
read XKCD
read dinosaur comics
read cyanide and happiness (getting desperate)
read CAD (you never really get this desperate)
read postsecret
Music has finished downloading, try to open the file.
Realise that you still haven't figured out how to use winamp, and media player is broken.
Spend half an hour trying to fix media player.
Listen to a song.
Look the lyrics up online.
Check facebook.
Check twitter.
Open msn.
Oh god people are trying to talk to you, close msn again.
Maybe you should tidy your room.
Clear a person-shaped hole in the mess on your floor.
Lie in it.
This is nice.
It's probably time for a break now.
Go to make some tea.
While you're down there you might as well make some toast.
Toast is boring, how about soup.
No canned soup, better get chopping vegetables.
Soup will take a while to cook, might as well read a book while I wait.
Read half of American psycho.
Eat soup.
Check facebook.
Check twitter.
Realise you never actually made any tea.
Go make some tea, get involved in debate about pornography/education system.
End up in discussion about gorgeous men.
Turns into a discussion about essays.
Oh no, you are supposed to be writing an essay.
Go upstairs.
Check twitter.
Check facebook.
Answer messages on facebook.
Wonder why you would ever possibly need to check anyway.
Oh look, some guy from high school is listening to music, right now.
Open facebook again.
Check your mum's profile.
Check the rest of your family and friends' profiles.
Nothing appears to have changed since the last time you did this.
Remember some girl from high school who was cool, wonder if she has facebook.
You can't even remember the girl's second name.
Realise that it's really not important to remember her second name anyway.
Realise that you have eaten soup twice whilst writing this essay, wonder exactly how long you have been sitting here.
Oh, quite a long time.
Open OpenOffice.
Right, time to write the title.
Better find the module guide.
Look at the pile of various coloured papers covering your bedroom floor.
Better tidy up a bit if you are ever to find the module guide.
Start folding clothes.
Find a skirt which you haven't seen in ages.
Wonder if it still fits.
Try on the skirt, it looks awesome.
Stare at yourself.
Fringe needs a trim.
Trim fringe.
Hair needs a wash.
Better go have a shower.
Where is your towel?
Better tidy up a bit if you are ever to find that towel.
Haven't checked facebook in a while.
Check facebook.
Check twitter.
Realise the music has stopped.
Put on a new album.
That album was in the wrong file.
You should really sort out your music collection.
Go through every single artist's file on hard drive, checking that everything is in the right place.
Might as well sort all of your moves and TV shows while you're at it.
Spot your towel. It's in the place where you always keep it.
Go for a shower.
Make a cup of soup.
The soup is too thick, pour some of the tea into the soup to thin it down.
Brace yourself... the soup tastes fine, feel proud of achievement.
Check facebook.
Check twitter.
Check facebook again.
Need music to write essay to.
Download discography of Mercury Rev.
Check facebook and twitter again.
Joey Comeau has posted a new asofterworld comic, better read it.
Read old asofterworld comics.
Better check all your other comics, now you're checking comics.
read XKCD
read dinosaur comics
read cyanide and happiness (getting desperate)
read CAD (you never really get this desperate)
read postsecret
Music has finished downloading, try to open the file.
Realise that you still haven't figured out how to use winamp, and media player is broken.
Spend half an hour trying to fix media player.
Listen to a song.
Look the lyrics up online.
Check facebook.
Check twitter.
Open msn.
Oh god people are trying to talk to you, close msn again.
Maybe you should tidy your room.
Clear a person-shaped hole in the mess on your floor.
Lie in it.
This is nice.
It's probably time for a break now.
Go to make some tea.
While you're down there you might as well make some toast.
Toast is boring, how about soup.
No canned soup, better get chopping vegetables.
Soup will take a while to cook, might as well read a book while I wait.
Read half of American psycho.
Eat soup.
Check facebook.
Check twitter.
Realise you never actually made any tea.
Go make some tea, get involved in debate about pornography/education system.
End up in discussion about gorgeous men.
Turns into a discussion about essays.
Oh no, you are supposed to be writing an essay.
Go upstairs.
Check twitter.
Check facebook.
Answer messages on facebook.
Wonder why you would ever possibly need to check anyway.
Oh look, some guy from high school is listening to music, right now.
Open facebook again.
Check your mum's profile.
Check the rest of your family and friends' profiles.
Nothing appears to have changed since the last time you did this.
Remember some girl from high school who was cool, wonder if she has facebook.
You can't even remember the girl's second name.
Realise that it's really not important to remember her second name anyway.
Realise that you have eaten soup twice whilst writing this essay, wonder exactly how long you have been sitting here.
Oh, quite a long time.
Open OpenOffice.
Right, time to write the title.
Better find the module guide.
Look at the pile of various coloured papers covering your bedroom floor.
Better tidy up a bit if you are ever to find the module guide.
Start folding clothes.
Find a skirt which you haven't seen in ages.
Wonder if it still fits.
Try on the skirt, it looks awesome.
Stare at yourself.
Fringe needs a trim.
Trim fringe.
Hair needs a wash.
Better go have a shower.
Where is your towel?
Better tidy up a bit if you are ever to find that towel.
Haven't checked facebook in a while.
Check facebook.
Check twitter.
Realise the music has stopped.
Put on a new album.
That album was in the wrong file.
You should really sort out your music collection.
Go through every single artist's file on hard drive, checking that everything is in the right place.
Might as well sort all of your moves and TV shows while you're at it.
Spot your towel. It's in the place where you always keep it.
Go for a shower.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Happy Things
I am going to write a blog about happy things.
We are humans. We are special. We have higher intelligence, we rule the earth. But can we leap into unaided flight? No we fucking cannot.
If you have ever uttered the words "I do not like water", then please kindly take yourself outside to be shot. What the hell could be more wonderful than pouring a pint of cold water down your neck? Or drinking some?
An anecdote about Michael Craig-Martin's "An Oak Tree"
Michael Craig-Martin created an artwork called 'An Oak Tree' which consisted of an oak tree, in the form of a glass of water on a shelf, and a plaque informing people of the fact that what they were looking at was not a glass of water on a glass shelf at all, but was in fact an oak tree, in the form of a glass of water on a shelf. In all interviews and conversations he would insist that there was no glass of water, there was no shelf, there was only an oak tree. All very well, until Australia refused to let him into the country with what he insisted was an oak tree, because this would violate regulations on what was allowed to pass over the border. He was eventually forced to admit that it wasn't really an oak tree at all, which in my opinion shows a huge lack of conviction.
[disclaimer: may be inaccurate]
Smelling Things
Things smell wonderful. Smell the book you are reading, smell somebody's hair, smell your scarf after you've worn it all day wearing perfume, smell someone's armpits, smell a freshly painted fence, smell an unsmoked cigar. You probably should ask first before doing some of those things though.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Went to a German 'disco' last night. It was basically supposed to be a rock club, although the music went from bass-y techno remixes of boring British chart songs, to early noughties indie-rock, to emo, then some metal, lots of nu-metal, a little dance and then just a bizarre selection of anything with German lyrics. I didn't really understand why they played so much British/American music for most of the night because the majority of the people there just stood around the edges of the club looking bored until the German music started to come on.
One wonderful thing about the place was that I have never felt quite so slim or well dressed in a club. Almost everyone was very large, everyone was wearing jeans and trainers, and most people were dressed as though they were given £20 and left to run free in Bay Trading for half an hour. To be fair to them, if this is the way that everyone dresses here then it is me who was badly dressed from their perspective, but if they did think this then they were wrong, because I looked great.
I'd never been in a club before where smoking was allowed inside. It's very odd when in most of the clubs I have been to you are not even allowed to carry drinks onto the dance floor because it's dangerous, to be dodging lit cigarettes while you dance.
The night was interesting anyway. My sister and I talked to lots of new people. Almost everyone remarked on Robin Hood when I mentioned that I live in Nottingham except one boy who said, "oh that is where the little statues are, which you paint and there is a game." I'm glad that Nottingham can be appreciated for more than being the home of Robin Hood, but being the home of Warhammer 40000 would not usually be the first thing I would think of.
One wonderful thing about the place was that I have never felt quite so slim or well dressed in a club. Almost everyone was very large, everyone was wearing jeans and trainers, and most people were dressed as though they were given £20 and left to run free in Bay Trading for half an hour. To be fair to them, if this is the way that everyone dresses here then it is me who was badly dressed from their perspective, but if they did think this then they were wrong, because I looked great.
I'd never been in a club before where smoking was allowed inside. It's very odd when in most of the clubs I have been to you are not even allowed to carry drinks onto the dance floor because it's dangerous, to be dodging lit cigarettes while you dance.
The night was interesting anyway. My sister and I talked to lots of new people. Almost everyone remarked on Robin Hood when I mentioned that I live in Nottingham except one boy who said, "oh that is where the little statues are, which you paint and there is a game." I'm glad that Nottingham can be appreciated for more than being the home of Robin Hood, but being the home of Warhammer 40000 would not usually be the first thing I would think of.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Went to bed at 1.30am, kept falling down the stairs, being shocked awake then hyperventilating myself back to sleep, too scared to sleep in case I woke up hyperventilating again, woke up at 5.30pm, literally (lol troll) shat myself because my exam is at 4.30pm, realised that it was actually 5.30am, made salad, too sick to eat it, nearly fell over whilst doing the washing up, experiencing massive pain in my tummy..
but seriously, I feel totally relaxed about this exam dudes.
Edit 1
Actually it's not the exam I am scared of, it's what comes after the exam. I am going to no longer be a student. I am going to be a grown up. I don't know what it feels like to not be a student. Also I have to go in a fucking plane, and I don't want to sit in something heavy what floats, please.
Edit 2
My body is all melding together and everything in my room looks like a spider. I want to go to bed. Just kicked my desk. I am going to vomit.
Edit 3
Suddenly feel fucking awesome, QUICK REVISE
Edit 4
I am a puking, shaking sack of organs.
Edit 5
Full of giggly joy.

Seated Young Lady by Egon Schiele
but seriously, I feel totally relaxed about this exam dudes.
Edit 1
Actually it's not the exam I am scared of, it's what comes after the exam. I am going to no longer be a student. I am going to be a grown up. I don't know what it feels like to not be a student. Also I have to go in a fucking plane, and I don't want to sit in something heavy what floats, please.
Edit 2
My body is all melding together and everything in my room looks like a spider. I want to go to bed. Just kicked my desk. I am going to vomit.
Edit 3
Suddenly feel fucking awesome, QUICK REVISE
Edit 4
I am a puking, shaking sack of organs.
Edit 5
Full of giggly joy.
Seated Young Lady by Egon Schiele
Hot List
Been reading into the archives of the Excalibur Cottage blog, and found all of the hot lists and wanted to make one for myself. I quickly realised that all of the people who I fancy are actually people from my life who I know but never, ever talk to. This created a difficulty, as it is of course very likely that my old chemistry teacher or that hot chef from work (why always authority figures? I'm so damaged) will google me and I will become extremely embarrassed.
In the end, though, I did manage to think of some lovely gentlemen and ladies for your perusal.
#Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl
AKA Ed Westwick. Looks like he was born into wealth. Makes me feel funny in my tummy. I do not watch Gossip Girl for the story lines.
#Herman Li
Lead guitarist of Dragonforce. I want to play with his hair.
#Richard Joyce
Philosopher. Gave me an unprecedented interest in metaethics.
"I'm sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path known as life today." Oh he's so funny!
#Dr Who
I would have married Kocoum.
#Leeloo from Fifth Element
Maybe if I dye my hair orange, I will look beautiful too, rather than looking like a chubby goth.
#Scarlett Johansson
Circa Ghost World, Lost in Translation and The Perfect Score (that well-known masterpiece).
#Emily from Skins
Her lesbian scenes made me feel a little bit confused.
#Blair Waldorf
Chuck Bass's girlfriend on gossip girl. I hate her.
In the end, though, I did manage to think of some lovely gentlemen and ladies for your perusal.
#Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl
AKA Ed Westwick. Looks like he was born into wealth. Makes me feel funny in my tummy. I do not watch Gossip Girl for the story lines.
#Herman Li
Lead guitarist of Dragonforce. I want to play with his hair.
#Richard Joyce
Philosopher. Gave me an unprecedented interest in metaethics.
"I'm sorry I'm late, I got lost on the path known as life today." Oh he's so funny!
#Dr Who
I would have married Kocoum.
#Leeloo from Fifth Element
Maybe if I dye my hair orange, I will look beautiful too, rather than looking like a chubby goth.
#Scarlett Johansson
Circa Ghost World, Lost in Translation and The Perfect Score (that well-known masterpiece).
#Emily from Skins
Her lesbian scenes made me feel a little bit confused.
#Blair Waldorf
Chuck Bass's girlfriend on gossip girl. I hate her.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Exam stress?
How could I be sad when the air is thick and smells like wet flowers and hot grass? And the sky is dark and cloudy blue, with sulphur-orange street lamp stars, and vision's hazy and drunk when I'm looking through clouds of dandelion clocks. Huge bats are catching tiny moths on their way to the moon.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Can I link social media and ethics?
Occasionally I get sick of social media sites. You reveal just enough about yourself to be vulnerable to anyone who wants to over analyse what you do and just have to hope that there's nobody out there who personifies the terrible combination of both disliking you and giving a shit about the information you post on the internet.
I found a twitter profile entirely devoted to hating me, I have been mocked when my scrobbling on reveals that my music taste has been (shockingly) influenced by the the tastes of my acquaintances. So why do I bother tweeting? Why do I bother scrobbling? The only point of these things seems to be to try to look awesome in front of strangers.
Except for interesting statistical data, I don't get anything out of scrobbling to personally and other than the occasional @reply, again I don't actually personally receive any great benefits from tweeting. It all seems to be done with the vague hope that the occasional stranger will see what you have done and think "well isn't she wonderful?" or "wasn't that useful?".
The benefits I do get from these kind of websites, however, is the content which is posted by others. Twitter enables me to find out about the topics which are trending in people's conversations locally, nationwide and worldwide, whilst enables me to find people with similar tastes in music to me and discover music which they love and which I never would have come across otherwise. The statistical data amassed in these sites is almost like a huge, worldwide act of human altruism accidentally (or purposely) committed by the apparently self obsessed. We are all making the effort to put data into this worldwide datastream and the only way that we can ever get benefits from this is by trusting that others will do so too.
An even better example of this kind of altruism is the phenomenon of wikis. The fact that people will make the effort to write entries into websites like wikipedia, without any guarantee of anything in return, is amazing and in return we have created this huge record of human knowledge which everyone with a computer can use.
It's an interesting analogy to the apparent altruism which appears to happen in human relations. We create moral rules for ourselves which will only benefit us if everybody follows them, but which could make our lives much worse if we were the only one to follow them. There are so many situations where lying, cheating, killing or breaking promises might make your much more pleasant, and yet you don't because of the rules which we follow almost without realising we are doing so most of the time. Also, in a situation where nobody is following the rules, if you are the only one doing so then you are sure to fail miserably.
If one person was to just give up on morality without fear of guilt or discovery, this person could have an absolutely wonderful life, and nobody else would know any better. However, the more people who act like this, the more humanity would descend into chaos, because nobody could trust anyone or anything. If promises (and therefore contracts) became meaningless, if you couldn't rely on people to not just kill you in the street, if almost everything which anyone said was a lie, there would be no humanity; life would be (as Hobbes said) "nasty, brutish and short."
So each of us makes our little contribution to the information amassed on the internet and in return we get enormous gains in the amount of information which is available to all of us. Each of us tries to be the best person they can be, and we each can live in the security of knowing that others will do the same.
So next time somebody asks what the point of twitter is, you can tell them it's for the good of humanity.

I found a twitter profile entirely devoted to hating me, I have been mocked when my scrobbling on reveals that my music taste has been (shockingly) influenced by the the tastes of my acquaintances. So why do I bother tweeting? Why do I bother scrobbling? The only point of these things seems to be to try to look awesome in front of strangers.
Except for interesting statistical data, I don't get anything out of scrobbling to personally and other than the occasional @reply, again I don't actually personally receive any great benefits from tweeting. It all seems to be done with the vague hope that the occasional stranger will see what you have done and think "well isn't she wonderful?" or "wasn't that useful?".
The benefits I do get from these kind of websites, however, is the content which is posted by others. Twitter enables me to find out about the topics which are trending in people's conversations locally, nationwide and worldwide, whilst enables me to find people with similar tastes in music to me and discover music which they love and which I never would have come across otherwise. The statistical data amassed in these sites is almost like a huge, worldwide act of human altruism accidentally (or purposely) committed by the apparently self obsessed. We are all making the effort to put data into this worldwide datastream and the only way that we can ever get benefits from this is by trusting that others will do so too.
An even better example of this kind of altruism is the phenomenon of wikis. The fact that people will make the effort to write entries into websites like wikipedia, without any guarantee of anything in return, is amazing and in return we have created this huge record of human knowledge which everyone with a computer can use.
It's an interesting analogy to the apparent altruism which appears to happen in human relations. We create moral rules for ourselves which will only benefit us if everybody follows them, but which could make our lives much worse if we were the only one to follow them. There are so many situations where lying, cheating, killing or breaking promises might make your much more pleasant, and yet you don't because of the rules which we follow almost without realising we are doing so most of the time. Also, in a situation where nobody is following the rules, if you are the only one doing so then you are sure to fail miserably.
If one person was to just give up on morality without fear of guilt or discovery, this person could have an absolutely wonderful life, and nobody else would know any better. However, the more people who act like this, the more humanity would descend into chaos, because nobody could trust anyone or anything. If promises (and therefore contracts) became meaningless, if you couldn't rely on people to not just kill you in the street, if almost everything which anyone said was a lie, there would be no humanity; life would be (as Hobbes said) "nasty, brutish and short."
So each of us makes our little contribution to the information amassed on the internet and in return we get enormous gains in the amount of information which is available to all of us. Each of us tries to be the best person they can be, and we each can live in the security of knowing that others will do the same.
So next time somebody asks what the point of twitter is, you can tell them it's for the good of humanity.

social media,
Monday, 17 May 2010
Just a picture
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Moving to London
In eight days, I will have finished all of my exams. I will never have to learn anything ever again (a thought which both depresses me and fills me with delight), but I will have to embark on the arduous and terrifying tasks which are Finding a Job and Finding Somewhere to Live. I spent my childhood feeling desperately excited about the day when I would finally be grown up and going to university, but I never really considered the fifty or so years remaining in my life after this point. So now I have to really be a grown up. My sister is going to move back from Germany, and I will no longer be 500 miles away from my best friend. The plan is for us to move to London and for me get a job in retail or catering until I can find a job in social media, PR, advertising or similar, and be wonderfully happy.
Things I am excited about:
Buying a bike
My bike got stolen in my first year at university, and I desperately miss having one and being able to get to places which are far away without having to get buses.
Having enough money to buy proper food every week.
Being a student for me has meant spending days just eating carrots, onions and pasta (just thinking about eating this mixture ever again gives me a cold sweat). It's going to be really wonderful just going to a Tesco once a week and buying the food I want. I don't even know how to do food shops anymore, if I try, I just end up buying much too little of things which don't even go together. Remembering what it is like to buy things is definitely a challenge which I am willing to take on.
Not being a student
Being a student means learning about interesting things, meeting great people, learning how to live on your own, doing exciting things, getting to know a new city and getting drunk so often that you start to feel a little unstable and shaky when you're sober. By the end though, I am just so sick of always feeling guilty if I'm not working, never having any money, and being in such a transition period. I want to get on with my life and find out what will happen next!
Living in London
I'm bored of Nottingham. I have done everything which I can think of to do. I want to do some other stuff. There's lots of stuff to do in London, it's a wonderful place, I am super excited.
Getting some fish
I haven't been able to have any pets at university, because you can't just move them around all of the time. I am going to get fish, and call them ridiculous names and feed them every day and hope that they never die.
Buying 'House things'
I want to make a house my own. I live in a student house with four other people, I can't exactly paint the bathroom purple and put up a print of a huge erect penis in the hallway. I don't necessarily want to do either of these things, but it would be nice to have the option.
Having a job
I want to have a job. I want to put some nice clothes on every day, and go to a place with heating and computers and think about things and do tasks and then go home again. A job has all of these wonderful features, and also the added bonus that every so often they will put some money into your bank account and then you will be able to exchange this money for goods and services.
Doing new things
London has book readings, gigs, stationary club, The Big Green Bookshop and thousands of other wonderful and exciting things which I can do.
I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait
Fucking scary though.
Things I am excited about:
Buying a bike
My bike got stolen in my first year at university, and I desperately miss having one and being able to get to places which are far away without having to get buses.
Having enough money to buy proper food every week.
Being a student for me has meant spending days just eating carrots, onions and pasta (just thinking about eating this mixture ever again gives me a cold sweat). It's going to be really wonderful just going to a Tesco once a week and buying the food I want. I don't even know how to do food shops anymore, if I try, I just end up buying much too little of things which don't even go together. Remembering what it is like to buy things is definitely a challenge which I am willing to take on.
Not being a student
Being a student means learning about interesting things, meeting great people, learning how to live on your own, doing exciting things, getting to know a new city and getting drunk so often that you start to feel a little unstable and shaky when you're sober. By the end though, I am just so sick of always feeling guilty if I'm not working, never having any money, and being in such a transition period. I want to get on with my life and find out what will happen next!
Living in London
I'm bored of Nottingham. I have done everything which I can think of to do. I want to do some other stuff. There's lots of stuff to do in London, it's a wonderful place, I am super excited.
Getting some fish
I haven't been able to have any pets at university, because you can't just move them around all of the time. I am going to get fish, and call them ridiculous names and feed them every day and hope that they never die.
Buying 'House things'
I want to make a house my own. I live in a student house with four other people, I can't exactly paint the bathroom purple and put up a print of a huge erect penis in the hallway. I don't necessarily want to do either of these things, but it would be nice to have the option.
Having a job
I want to have a job. I want to put some nice clothes on every day, and go to a place with heating and computers and think about things and do tasks and then go home again. A job has all of these wonderful features, and also the added bonus that every so often they will put some money into your bank account and then you will be able to exchange this money for goods and services.
Doing new things
London has book readings, gigs, stationary club, The Big Green Bookshop and thousands of other wonderful and exciting things which I can do.
I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait
Fucking scary though.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Today I was searching my @replies on twitter, and found this message:
@imogen89 the streets are a great place to start out living. just dont open your mouth or you'll catch london cancer
I had asked how it was best to go about finding cheap accommodation in London, so the comment didn't seem massively out of place, but then I clicked on their page ( and found the following messages going back to March 4th:
@imogen89 you ugly tart
@imogen89 shut the fuck up you stupid prenentious fatty
@imogen89 last night i dreamt your mouth had been sewn shut so you couldnt talk anymore shit
@imogen89 eat a fucking steak you dirty slut
@imogen89 you ugly ho
@imogen89 because you'er a fatty, right? not because your a prententious fat cow that wants to get into law with a philosophy degree
@imogen89 ffs fatty put on more clothes and never ever wear slim folk attire you fat piece of garbage
@imogen89 why dont you get a new face you ugly ho
@imogen89 ffs you are without doubt the ugliest person i have ever seen in my long long life
@imogen89 how about untill the fat moronic piggy (you) gets cooked
@imogen89 fat moronic pretentious big easy
@imogen89 omg you are ugly, anoying, p[retentious and a prat all balled up into one fat blonde
@imogen89 beats listening to your voice or looking at your face
@imogen89 i guess you have a really ugly face then. You have loose morals at best, slut!
@imogen89 i think you should save up the money used for para and orange to get plastic surgery on your face
@imogen89 how about pissed for having a god awful face
@imogen89 it's three times bell end
@imogen89 someone should smack you round the face for being soo ugly
@imogen89 dont have any of your own please
@imogen89 ugly!
@imogen89 go on a diet fatty
@imogen89 get some plastic surgery then
@imogen89 Fucking Vegetarians
@imogen89 wow you are one ugly looking person
@imogen89 skanky emo ho
@imogen89 god that is a terrible euphamism for your vagina and a baby
@imogen89 well fatty
@imogen89 god you are one fat ugly ho bag
@imogen89 how bout how ugly you are?
@imogen89 Infidel!!!!!!!!!
@imogen89 tubbie
@imogen89 hahahahahahahahahahahaha
imogen should cook on her pretentious fucking ego that is primarily filled with philosophy bull shit and young person arrogance
@imogen89 thank god for that
imogen is a tool
@imogen89 eat real food!!!!!
@imogen89 not a meat fan i assume? clearly dont like men then
@imogen89 Take a chill pill babe
@imogen89 you are better off becoming a single parent...first get laid though or this might not work soo well
@imogen89 your fault for looking like rape material
how is killing tiring if you are not the one doing the killing?
These messages have never been shown in my @replies, despite the fact that I haven't blocked them and they are following me. This is pretty distressing and they seem to know me. Their name (Remy LeBeau) is a character from X-men. The name Tesla91 could refer to a bleach character, a surname, a first name, a rock band, a character in Clive Barker novels or the popular physicist.
These are the details which I can work out from their twitter feed:
-They like Bullet for my Valentine and Paramore.
-They worked or attended a 'convention day' on the 17th october.
-They might live in Guernsey or Norwich and be at the sort of age where they would be attending university.
-The '91' in Tesla91 may refer to the year 1991, the year of their birth?
-They might attend the UEA. They have replied to a twitter account of a girl who lives in Guernsey and attends the UEA.
-I am pretty sure they are male.
-They make t-shirts
-They like comics and sci fi.
-Possibly long dark hair.
-Possibly plays the guitar.
-They eat meat.
-They were disorganised about applying to university, waiting until March to start looking at where they wanted to go. Quite clever though if they go to the UEA.
-They were already following my friend Claire long before they were following me, she attends the UEA.
-I have wronged them in some way.
I have sent this message to twitter:
"The following Twitter account has been sending abusive tweets to my accound (@imogen89) for a period of several months, as well as other twitter members. This has been extremely upsetting considering the vulgarity and personal nature of the comments, and it doesn't seem right that someone should be able to get away with this kind of behaviour simply because of anonymity. Considering the distressed that this has caused, I do not believe it is enough for this person just to have their account pulled, and I would like to have them charged with a criminal offense under the Malicious Communications Act 1988. I am based in the UK, and based on analysis of language used the account holder also seems to be in the UK, which makes this a simple harassment case under the following acts:
Malicious Communications Act 1988, s. 1
(1) Any person who sends to another person—
(a) a letter, electronic communication or article of any description which conveys—
(i) a message which is indecent or grossly offensive;
(ii) a threat;
Communications Act 2003: Section 127 covers all forms of public communications, and subsection (1) defines an offence of sending a ‘grossly offensive…obscene, indecent or menacing’ communication.
Here are some examples of this kind of communication sent to me (publicly):
"ffs fatty put on more clothes and never ever wear slim folk attire you fat piece of garbage "
"how about untill the fat moronic piggy (you) gets cooked"
"last night i dreamt your mouth had been sewn shut so you couldnt talk anymore shit"
"i guess you have a really ugly face then. You have loose morals at best, slut"
"your fault for looking like rape material"
"imogen should cook on her pretentious fucking ego that is primarily filled with philosophy bull shit and young person arrogance"
"someone should smack you round the face for being soo ugly"
As you'll see from the person's tweets, these were designed specifically to provoke distress and upset the receipients, and are criminal. I hope you will help me in identifying and shaming this individual, and help keep Twitter safe from malicious and abusive users. The course of action required of course will depend on the privacy policies and the philosophies of Twitter as a company, but I'm sure you'll agree that this sort of behaviour should not be allowed to continue anonymously by this user. Thank you for your time, your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and I really hope you can help us stop this individual from future tormenting of site users."
@imogen89 the streets are a great place to start out living. just dont open your mouth or you'll catch london cancer
I had asked how it was best to go about finding cheap accommodation in London, so the comment didn't seem massively out of place, but then I clicked on their page ( and found the following messages going back to March 4th:
@imogen89 you ugly tart
@imogen89 shut the fuck up you stupid prenentious fatty
@imogen89 last night i dreamt your mouth had been sewn shut so you couldnt talk anymore shit
@imogen89 eat a fucking steak you dirty slut
@imogen89 you ugly ho
@imogen89 because you'er a fatty, right? not because your a prententious fat cow that wants to get into law with a philosophy degree
@imogen89 ffs fatty put on more clothes and never ever wear slim folk attire you fat piece of garbage
@imogen89 why dont you get a new face you ugly ho
@imogen89 ffs you are without doubt the ugliest person i have ever seen in my long long life
@imogen89 how about untill the fat moronic piggy (you) gets cooked
@imogen89 fat moronic pretentious big easy
@imogen89 omg you are ugly, anoying, p[retentious and a prat all balled up into one fat blonde
@imogen89 beats listening to your voice or looking at your face
@imogen89 i guess you have a really ugly face then. You have loose morals at best, slut!
@imogen89 i think you should save up the money used for para and orange to get plastic surgery on your face
@imogen89 how about pissed for having a god awful face
@imogen89 it's three times bell end
@imogen89 someone should smack you round the face for being soo ugly
@imogen89 dont have any of your own please
@imogen89 ugly!
@imogen89 go on a diet fatty
@imogen89 get some plastic surgery then
@imogen89 Fucking Vegetarians
@imogen89 wow you are one ugly looking person
@imogen89 skanky emo ho
@imogen89 god that is a terrible euphamism for your vagina and a baby
@imogen89 well fatty
@imogen89 god you are one fat ugly ho bag
@imogen89 how bout how ugly you are?
@imogen89 Infidel!!!!!!!!!
@imogen89 tubbie
@imogen89 hahahahahahahahahahahaha
imogen should cook on her pretentious fucking ego that is primarily filled with philosophy bull shit and young person arrogance
@imogen89 thank god for that
imogen is a tool
@imogen89 eat real food!!!!!
@imogen89 not a meat fan i assume? clearly dont like men then
@imogen89 Take a chill pill babe
@imogen89 you are better off becoming a single parent...first get laid though or this might not work soo well
@imogen89 your fault for looking like rape material
how is killing tiring if you are not the one doing the killing?
These messages have never been shown in my @replies, despite the fact that I haven't blocked them and they are following me. This is pretty distressing and they seem to know me. Their name (Remy LeBeau) is a character from X-men. The name Tesla91 could refer to a bleach character, a surname, a first name, a rock band, a character in Clive Barker novels or the popular physicist.
These are the details which I can work out from their twitter feed:
-They like Bullet for my Valentine and Paramore.
-They worked or attended a 'convention day' on the 17th october.
-They might live in Guernsey or Norwich and be at the sort of age where they would be attending university.
-The '91' in Tesla91 may refer to the year 1991, the year of their birth?
-They might attend the UEA. They have replied to a twitter account of a girl who lives in Guernsey and attends the UEA.
-I am pretty sure they are male.
-They make t-shirts
-They like comics and sci fi.
-Possibly long dark hair.
-Possibly plays the guitar.
-They eat meat.
-They were disorganised about applying to university, waiting until March to start looking at where they wanted to go. Quite clever though if they go to the UEA.
-They were already following my friend Claire long before they were following me, she attends the UEA.
-I have wronged them in some way.
I have sent this message to twitter:
"The following Twitter account has been sending abusive tweets to my accound (@imogen89) for a period of several months, as well as other twitter members. This has been extremely upsetting considering the vulgarity and personal nature of the comments, and it doesn't seem right that someone should be able to get away with this kind of behaviour simply because of anonymity. Considering the distressed that this has caused, I do not believe it is enough for this person just to have their account pulled, and I would like to have them charged with a criminal offense under the Malicious Communications Act 1988. I am based in the UK, and based on analysis of language used the account holder also seems to be in the UK, which makes this a simple harassment case under the following acts:
Malicious Communications Act 1988, s. 1
(1) Any person who sends to another person—
(a) a letter, electronic communication or article of any description which conveys—
(i) a message which is indecent or grossly offensive;
(ii) a threat;
Communications Act 2003: Section 127 covers all forms of public communications, and subsection (1) defines an offence of sending a ‘grossly offensive…obscene, indecent or menacing’ communication.
Here are some examples of this kind of communication sent to me (publicly):
"ffs fatty put on more clothes and never ever wear slim folk attire you fat piece of garbage "
"how about untill the fat moronic piggy (you) gets cooked"
"last night i dreamt your mouth had been sewn shut so you couldnt talk anymore shit"
"i guess you have a really ugly face then. You have loose morals at best, slut"
"your fault for looking like rape material"
"imogen should cook on her pretentious fucking ego that is primarily filled with philosophy bull shit and young person arrogance"
"someone should smack you round the face for being soo ugly"
As you'll see from the person's tweets, these were designed specifically to provoke distress and upset the receipients, and are criminal. I hope you will help me in identifying and shaming this individual, and help keep Twitter safe from malicious and abusive users. The course of action required of course will depend on the privacy policies and the philosophies of Twitter as a company, but I'm sure you'll agree that this sort of behaviour should not be allowed to continue anonymously by this user. Thank you for your time, your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and I really hope you can help us stop this individual from future tormenting of site users."
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