Monday, 3 May 2010

I made a blog, yea.

I made a blog, because sometimes I have too much to say on twitter, and I don't want to annoy people. I wish there was some kind of transition between twitter and proper blogging, writing in a blog seems like a lot of pressure. I might have to write lots of words! It might have to be interesting! It might need to be well written and grammatically correct! Thank god I have spellcheck in chrome, or this would be a disaster.

The worst thing about making a blog is that I feel like writing a blog post when I first create the blog, write some kind of introductory post, feel like I have to wait a day before I write another post and then forget all about the whole thing. Well I'm going to break that pattern completely this time, for definite.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I find if you blog about things you find interesting whenever you feel like it, it works!
    I do tend to neglect the blog though, so I've begun forcing myself to find things to update with more often!
